
Showing posts from October 1, 2014

Cosmetic Surgery or Travel?

Last week I had a happy hour with a friend in Los Angeles.  We were talking about travel and I mentioned that I was planning to go to visit some friends in The Philippines in late November.  Her response to me was, "Why would you waste your money on travel when you should be saving for a facelift when you are older?"  Really?  I was a bit shocked.  First of all, I am not ready for a facelift, and if I was you I would tell you and the world.  What are they going to lift?  I have aged but I am not exactly a candidate for a general facelift.  A little botox maybe but a facelift?  Not.  I think experiencing life is more important than cosmetic procedures.  I want to travel while I am able-bodied and not wait when I am elderly.    I have traveled a lot already in my life.  In my twenties I lived and worked in Australia, Thailand an traveled around Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Hong Kong, China, The Phillippines, New Zealand, Figi, Germany and Sweden.   It was fun and some of the be